
Learn more about Why GC is the right fit for you!


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Whatever your goals, Garrett College can help you get there. Check out the admissions and aid section of our website for step-by-step instructions on how to get started on your educational journey.

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Learn more about Garrett College's high school dual enrollment program where students can earn both high school and college credit at the same time!

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Garrett College welcomes new students looking to study in the United States. Visit our International Admissions page to learn more about how to become a Garrett Laker.

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If you fit into one of these special categories or are pursuing certain degrees, you may be eligible for reduced or waived tuition as a student at Garrett College.

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Financial Aid

Use the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form to apply for financial aid for college.

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Garrett College is a great value for a great education. Learn how financial aid, grants, and scholarships make it an even better deal!

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A Maryland resident who is certified as out of the workforce by reason of total and permanent disability may be eligible for a tuition waiver. Review the Guide for more information.

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