Admissions Application

  • This application is for students who have never attended college or students who have taken Garrett College courses while in high school (dual enrolled program).  
  • This application is for transfer students who have attended another college or university previously.
  • This application is for students who have been gone for more than two years from Garrett and wish to return.  If you are returning in less than 2 years, please contact your Advisor or Admissions at 301-387-3044.
  • NOTE: Do not complete this application if you have attended another college since leaving Garrett. Please complete our Transfer Application.  
  • This application is for students who are interested in participating in the Garrett College Dual Enrollment Program. 

Just want to take a course or two?

Garrett College welcomes students wishing to take courses as personal interest, professional development, or to transfer credits to another institution. Students not seeking a degree or certificate may download the Non Degree Application & Registration form. For information regarding the upcoming course schedule, please click here. Completed form can be emailed to to begin the registration process.  Please note, Non-Degree Seeking Students are not eligible to receive financial aid.